
Dreadnought Tiles

  • Dreadnought are recognized as one of the best quality manufacturers of clay tiles in the world
  • They have been producing tiles at the same site for over 200 years, and are the oldest traditional clay tile manufacturer in England
  • They pride themselves on offering the best quality naturally produced clay tiles on the market
  • The raw clay (Etrurai Marl) used to make these tiles is renowned for its high quality
  • Dreadnought is one of the only tile manufactures to not add any colours or artificial pigments in their tiles. The different colours are created by carefully modifying the oxygen levels in the kiln
  • Dreadnought tiles are available in both smooth and sand-faced finishes
  • They are available in a range of colours including:
    • Staffordshire Blue
    • Blue brindle / dark
    • Brown antique
    • Brown brindle / brown heather
    • Country brown
    • Red blue blend
    • Red
    • Plum red

Have a look through our range and get in touch if you have any technical queries or to request a sample.

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Product Detail

McKee Army Barracks Case Study

Dreadnought Country Brown

The conservation roofing project at McKee Irish Army Barracks Dublin attracted a huge amount of interest across Ireland. The architectural heritage building was designed by Lt Col. J.F. Marsh (The Roy…

View Case Study
Dimensions Standard Tile 265 x 165 mm
Tile Weight 1.19kg
Tile Type Traditional Single Camber
Clay Material Etruria Marl
Colouring Natural Burnt Clay no Pigment
Minimum Lap 65mm
Maximum Gauge 100mm
Approx Weight Laid per sqm 71kg
Nails 38x2.65mm alloy
Battens 38x25mm
Minimum Pitch 35 degrees
Tiles Eaves Tile and Half (Gable)
Size 265 x 165mm 215 x 165mm 265 x 248mm
Quantity Guide 60/sqm 6/lineal metre 5/lineal metre of verge
Country brown sandfaced

Country Brown

A beautiful and popular natural red-brown tile.  Giving a natural soft and rustic rustic charm.

Blue brindle smoothfaced

Blue Brindle

The Blue Brindle clay tile is predominantly blue/grey in colour but with shades of light blue and heather throughout.  This allows for a very traditional almost slate-like finish to the roof.  It is a very adaptable colour and can be matched to almost any build.  

Brown brindle smooth

Brown Brindle

Brown Brindle and Brown Heather give a rich luxurious finish to any roof.  Popular for both new builds and re-roofs the many tones in the tiles give a high spec finish.

Brown antique smooth

Brown Antique

A very traditional mix or warm reds, blues and brown tones.  These tones give a truly spectacular finish to any roof.  The colours here are achieved naturally and cannot be replicated by artificial means.

Staffs blue smooth

Staffordshire Blue

Uniquely beautiful the Staffordshire Blue colour has warm grey, brown and heather tones.  Achieved entirely by careful control of the kiln temperature, these Dreadnought tiles are an alternative colour to natural slate. 

Red sandfaced


Slightly more muted than the 'Plum Red' the 'Red' option from Dreadnought still creates an unmistakably traditional clay finish to any roof.  A traditional and characterful terracotta tile.  Available in both smooth and sand-faced. 

Plum red smooth

Plum Red

A smart choice for those looking to create an unmistakably clay tile roof.  The plum red is a vibrant red and a truly stand out colour that is a great option for both new build and refurbishment projects.  


Mixed Colour Blends

The subtle and random colour variations within the naturally fired Dreadnougt tiles mean that they are perfect and can be mixed to create a roof with endless colour tone and variation. The Collingwood Blend (browns) and the Trafalgar Blend (Brown, Country Brown, Brown Antique) would be amongst the most popular.  But any selection of colours can in theory be used.